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Please enter the following information so that we can retrieve your One Lap driver record.


No driver records found matching the information provided. Try again or contact One Lap HQ.


More than one driver record was found matching your criteria. This is usually due to more than one family member having previously been in One Lap. Please contact One Lap HQ to resolve this.


You have previously registered and created login credentials. Your login name has been emailed to you.


Login credentials have been created and emailed to you. Your password is your last name so it would be a very good idea for you to immediately login and change it to something more secure.

Login - Forgot Password


A temporary password has been sent to the email address provided. You should login immediately and change your password.


The user name provided does not match our database.


The email entered is not associated with the provided user name.


No driver associated with the user name provided.


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Warning! and welcome to the One Lap v6 Beta Test

We are currently beta testing the long awaited refactoring of the One Lap of America website. (And when we say "we", this includes you.) Visually the changes to the website are minmal but under the covers, it's all new. New framework (Spring MVC), new DBMS (MySQL 8), new JVM (16), new architecture (Single Page) and more. Well, new-ish. The old site was written in 2007-2008 so this is new.

What does this mean to you? Hopefully, nothing. But if (when) something breaks, please be patient. And please let us know what broke!